Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
What kinda' sandwich are you?
Friday, May 29, 2009
Red Bluff
that was also the day roger had his triathlon. He won his division!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Birthday fun!
Melissa and Roger took me out for a Birthday lunch today. the plan was to go eat Greek food. apparently the people of Portland don't like Greek food or people who eat Greek food. The first place we went to was closed, the second one was impossible to find and when we asked for directions we were sent walking through the bad part of town. Melissa asked Roger to look tough so we didn't get mugged. We finally gave up on Greek food and went to Noodles and Company which was right by where we parked our car.
Roger got me A birthday cookie. Overall I got a Good walk and food! what could be better!
Something Different - brought to you by Nick (the other half)
While I was browsing across the “wonderful world wide web,” I happened to stumble across a delightfully bizarre and painfully funny “story” someone decided worthy of posting online. So without any further fuss – I give to you: “Something Different”
*click image to enlarge*
Or if you prefer, you can hop on over and watch the "better" version on YouTube:
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wedding Wednesday
home made tomato soup
Melissa made tomato soup last night. Its not like what you would expect tomato soup to look, or taste like but its still good. thank you Melissa! when I eat the tomato soup it makes my tummy happy!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Luckily when I got back to work today they shrank almost to normal size. at least they stay on my shoes now!
Birthday dinner
Monday, May 25, 2009
Mystery men!
Every good thing comes to an end...
Yes... It was time for Nick to go home. Now we are going to try to plan another time we can spend together.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
the little things...
Friday, May 22, 2009
Bugs breakthrough!
It was really hard trying to decide what this weeks flashback Friday would be about.
I desperately needed some change in my life. Last summer I did one of the most spontaneous things I have ever done. I told my boss that I was moving to Mississippi and I would like to just pack and go and they were short on hours anyway. Sometimes he was pretty good at giving me what I wanted and this was one of those times although he did ask me several times if I was sure. I had my apartment packed up and stored away within 2 weeks(thanks for letting me use the garage mom and dad!) It took longer for me to get my ticket then I thought it would but I was on my way!
I had heard Mixed reviews about Mississippi. some said it was really dry and others said it was beautiful. I would have to say that I didn't see a ton of thick grass in yards like I do here but Mississippi is beautiful.
And I met a lot of new people, and did a lot of things that I will never forget.
I went kayaking, where Roger gave me the Indian name "drunk with power." I went to red bluff ( which is a flashback Friday all on its own). I met Kat and Dan, and the crew at the pastry garden. we had an alien invasion party. I helped with Melissa and rogers adoption party.
I went to Florinda
and new Orleans. and a ton more.
I will never forget my time in Mississippi. I had so much fun!
I didn't want to make the blog super long so you will have to read next weeks Flashback Friday for the adventure and mayhem had!
busy but hopefully fun weekend!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Flight of the Conchords!
Business time is one of my faves!
this one is Nicks favorate!
Power thurst
Inside the strange minds of Nick and Bonnie...
When I first moved to Vancouver I started having Zombie night mares. I believe it was the moving into a new house, in a new town away from most of the people I love, and not having a job that triggered them. Anyway,I was talking to Nick about My nightmares and mentioned that if there really was a zombie Apocalypse I would be one of the first to go. I mean come on.... I live in the basement! there is no where to run! Nick being the confident "night in shining armor" I know said that he would come and get me. at this point I'm thinking "oh good! I only have to live 4 hours in the basement in a Zombie apocalypse! and that's If he leaves right away and doesn't have Zombie trouble or congestion on the way!" He said that it would be OK because he would speed and get there fast. how fast does someone have to drive to save an accident prone girl without anything to fight Zombies off with? " Behold the scary book! Back Zombie, Back I say!" Yeah... that would work. I have trouble squishing spiders let alone a zombie hoard .
I will just hope it stays in my imagination and those scientists experimenting with cells don't stumble upon Zombies. Nick thinks its more likely to be something like a plague, or 28 days later type of thing. ;)
No we arent crazy, we do have weird hypathetical converstions though!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Pride and Prejudice... and Zombies?
If you like pride and prejudice, Zombies and ninjas its a must read... If not... don't attempt. you really do need to like all of these things to enjoy the book! and as a Geek... I do! Thanks Nick!
Oh yes and I found out they are going to make a movie out of it!
wednesday wedding update!
I also tired to find a court house wedding pic and apparently they are so horrible that no one shares them online.
Anyway, Nick thought maybe we could find a way that his brother Mike could do it. I wouldn't have a problem with that, Mike looked into it and he's really excited to preform the ceremony but the "Elders" in his church don't think Nick and I should even be getting married. Mike didn't go into detail about it, he only said enough so that we knew that he couldn't get certified in his church. He said that he could get certified in a more liberal church but then he would be burning bridges with his church because his "Elders" said their peace. The other option is to be a judge. So we are back at square one I guess.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The case of the missing pants Material.
When I first moved in with Melissa and Roger they warned me to keep my clothes off the floor or bug (their Pomeranian) would eat them. I didn't have a problem with that, dirty in the hamper, clean in the closet on the shelf; no folding necessary!
If there is one thing I hate its folding laundry. Washing and drying I don't have a problem with but folding laundry is something else; so I am a little behind on folding and putting my laundry away. Now that we are living in Vancouver I no longer have a closet for my unfolded laundry. Instead I use a bench! Its not nearly as bad as this but it is time to fold it and put it away never the less! Note the baby in the quicksand clothes of death!
so I came home from getting my car from Yakima last week, if you recall the blog: "adventure and mayhem" and the clothes I was wearing were wet from the rain so I opted to change into my "jammies". Halfway back up the stairs ( yes I am what one might call a basement troll) I thought I might as well put my robe on. I finished my night hanging out with Melissa and Roger and then went downstairs to go to bed and realized there was a baseball sized hole in the crotch of my pants.
Not only does bug not come into my "troll hole" but he is what Melissa and Roger would call too " non-athletic" to jump up on the bench. That could only leave Rizzo; My clothes eating mutt buddy. this made me wonder how many times Rizzo had chewed things up and blamed it on bug. Over the next week I found 2 more pairs of pants and some socks that had been chewed. One pair of pants I had only realised after parading around upstairs for a time without my robe. Melissa and Roger both left to work quickly so I was either very lucky and they weren't home long enough to see my "Glory" or they did see my "Glory " and ran as fast as they could.
Needless to say Rizzo is grounded until further notice.
Of crickets!?!
While looking for the most wonderful perfume in the world, amorito, which was rumored to be at the body shop I found a cologne called "of a man". Although its not exactly "of crickets" I am seriously thinking about spending the $25 for this cologne for Nick. He would catch my meaning. It would bring a smile to his face and then he would say " I hate of crickets!"
Monday, May 18, 2009
Nicks Video Choice...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Nick school update...
Hair of doom!
Every normal woman has to rant every once in while right? I know I'm not the only woman in the world that wishes they were born hairless in some areas. I don't understand why It is socially acceptable for men to get away hairy legs but women have to be smooth and hairless! Shaving your legs is such a hassle! Razor burn, cuts,
shaving cream every wear, by the time you are done shaving you are out of hot water, you get out of the shower and not only notice that you have patches from spots you missed but you get goose bumps and shaving was for nothing because you already have new growth.
I suppose there are only a few options for the unlucky women born with hairy legs. you can get lucky like me and get a guy that is very understanding and doesn't mind if you go a few days without shaving, work hard and endure the pain and hassle of staying hairless, or move to Europe. I hear they don't shave there!
I hope this blog/rant had a little common ground with the women reading my blog... and for the men, remember you are lucky you don't have to shave your legs!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
The Abduction Part 2...
It had been several weeks when G.I JOE had become a valued prize among the associates of the store. More then one person wanted to get their hands on him and join in the fun. I gave Ashley (one of the girls we both worked with) and Nick the best clue I could think of to give them an equal advantage to finding G.I. JOE.
Nick single handedly rescued G.I. JOE from his prison inside a manila envelope taped under a base deck.
Unfortunately after our adventure someone really did abduct G.I. JOE when she allegedly lost him in her car and then sold her car.
I bought Nick a new G.I. JOE just like the last one in memory of his dear old friend. Now from what I understand G.I. JOE #2 lives in Nicks backpack and goes to school with him daily.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
We are taking a less traditional, OK very non traditional rout for our wedding. Most people spend hundreds of dollars on paper for wedding invitations, RSVP, etc.
Nick is going to school for graphic design. You can see his work at . So I thought why not let Nick do an Invitation website? Of course he will have to password protect it so that we don't end up with miscellaneous people at our wedding, but what a good way for him to show all of our family and friends what he learned at school! Not to mention it will cost less and save some trees.
Some of the things we are thinking about doing in the web invite are a count down, easy RSVP right there, and a small time laps animation. Hopefully it works out the way we plan!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
I Lived!
For all of you wondering about the train ride, It wasn't Harry Potter it was more Willy Wonka!
I'm the guy on the bottom right.
I have been a little sick for the last week and have been as heavily medicated as safely as possible with over the counter drugs!
I also wanted to say happy Mother's day to all the mothers out there!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
adventure and mayhm
Friday, May 8, 2009
The Abduction!
Soon he Began receiving Ransom pictures.G.I JOE tied to toy train tracks,
G.I JOE being dragged behind a toy horse,
G.I. Joe over a lighter,
and others of the like.
When that didn't work someone sent him G.I. Joe's arms to show him they meant business. Nick stayed strong. After all G.I. JOE was only a lost and found toy that after going weeks unclaimed Nick himself had claimed for something to put a smile on his face when he was having a bad day.I had to think of something, I mean Abducting G.I. JOE was one thing but I couldn't just "off" the guy because Because Nick wasn't cooperating.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Mac vs. PC
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Wedding update!
So I have this super amazing guy who usually gives me whatever I want. Most women would die for such luck, and don't get me wrong I love it; but I want him to LOVE our wedding also. I mean it is his too right? so one day we were talking about themed weddings and I came out and asked him outright what he wanted our wedding to be like. He said that if he was planning it by his self he would do something old world fantasy. so, I started thinking and there wasn't any reason I could think of that the things I already planned wouldn't work with the theme he wanted. so I hopped on over to and this is the brides maid dress I came up with!

I'm having some trouble finding flower girl dresses that match though so if anyone has any ideas feel free to share. I just need little green Renaissance dresses.
Also we have come to the conclusion that the flower girls and ring bearers will be hobbits. unless we cant make it work realistically.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Just starting out
My sister and her Husband have been Blogging about their adoption process for several months now. Although I sometimes take pleasure in teasing them about there not really being much of a point in a blog, I myself have been drawn to learn the art of blogging.
The more I think about the path I have taken in life, and the fun and adventures I have had ( as much fun and adventure a small town girl can have anyway) I feel the need to share my stories with anyone who wants to read. I hope to provide some mild entertainment and who knows... maybe a little inspiration to blog readers. I also hope for good spelling and grammar as the blogger!
What is to be expected from this blog you ask? Flash backs, wedding updates, day to day life, dreams and aspirations, and even a little randomness and weirdness.
Happy reading!